martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

Black Goat - Death Ritual [demo] (2010)

Black Goat (Galicia, Spain) was born in 2003 at the hands of Helltyrant and Apocalyptic Deströyer with the idea of forming a band that would remember the most rotten and primitive sound of the first Black Metal billed in the 80s by bands like Venom, Hellhammer or the first Bathory.
In that same year they record an EP called Blood Ritual and in 2008 they collaborate in a compilation called Goat Worshipers CD Compilation with the song Satanic Lust as contribution.

Finally, in mid-2009 Nokturnal Intoxikator and Joe Disturbed joined the bass and drums respectively to finish shaping the band by giving a series of concerts in Galician and Portuguese territory. At the end of 2009 they recorded their first demo called Death Ritual which was released in early 2010 through Final Embrace Recs. and Nigra Mors Prod.


1. Morbid Attraction     02:29
2. Satanic Lust     03:41
3. Crucifix Me     03:36    
4. The Quintessence of Perversion     03:46
5. Antichrist     04:01
6. Countess Bathory (Venom cover)     04:07

-Line up:

Nocturnal Intoxikator: Bass
Joe Disturbed: Drums
Apocalyptic Deströyer: Guitars
Helltyrant: Vocal.

Limited to 200 copies.

Released on pro-tape format by Nigra Mors and Final Embrace Records.

Recorded, mixed and mastered at Demonic Studios in December '09 / January '10 by B.


Black Goat

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