Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Aposento. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Aposento. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 28 de abril de 2024

Blasphemy + Sněť + Hierophant + Aposento + Morte Incandescente + Tankard + Systemik Viølence - Live at SWR Barroselas Metalfest (Por) 27.04.2024






Blasphemy was initially formed in 1984 by childhood friends Nocturnal Grave Desecrator and Black Winds and 3 Black Hearts of Damnation and Impurity, joined shortly after by guitarist Caller of the Storms. They went on by various names (including Antichrist and Desaster) before settling for Blasphemy in 1987. Since the early days, the band members quickly established a reputation for violence and criminal activities. Consequently, most of them had stints in prison and problems with the law; the violence also spread to their live performance with frequent fights and bloodshed both on stage and in the crowd. Black Winds left the band during the first few days of the Fuck Christ Tour in 1993, after problems with bass player Ace Necrosleezer. For the rest of the tour, Ace replaced Black Winds on lead vocals. Blasphemy split up shortly after the Fuck Christ tour, but reformed in 1999, including the original line-up as well as Ryan Förster on the second guitar, and have been somewhat sporadically active ever since.
















Ross Bay Intro
War Command
Blasphemous Attack
Gods of War
Blood Upon the Altar
Victory (Son of the Damned)
Darkness Prevails
Nocturnal Slayer
Emperor of the Black Abyss
Hording of Evil Vengeance
Goddess of Perversity
Weltering in Blood
Intro / Blasphemy
Winds of the Black Godz (Intro)
Fallen Angel of Doom...
The Desolate One

Intro / Necrosadist
Atomic Nuclear Desolation
Empty Chalice





Hailing from Prague, SNĚŤ formed in the beginning of 2018 with a specific aim: rotten and crushing Death Metal in the vein of bands like Undergang, Funebrarum, Autopsy, and Carcass, but adding their own view to the style. Imperative to the five members of SNĚŤ is placing equal emphasis on the punkish parts and crushing ones, with the sick melodies of doom-death swept across the whole thing.

The five-piece released a two-song promo recording in April 2019, and preparations were underway for a new EP to follow; however, drummer Krütorr broke his leg right before the recording session and and then the Covid19 pandemic started, so the band decided to write more music and release a full-length instead.






Útes Mrtvol
Kůň Kadaver
Prokletí Hladov​ý​ch
3 Doby
Zamrzlý Vrch
Princip křížení
Groteskní Hybrid
Obří Kat



Although at the beginning in 2009 this band from Ravenna (Ita) practiced Black/Sludge Metal with Hardcore influences, currently they have become a storm of Black/Death Metal.






 Mortem Aeternam
Seeds of Vengeance
Devil Incarnate
In Chaos, In Death
Abysmal Annihilation
Death Siege
Nemesis of Thy Mortals







Aposento se formó en Logroño (España) en 1990 con Manolo (guitarra), Diego (batería), Santi Herreros (bajo), Santi Potros (voz) y León (guitarra).

En el 1991 graban su primera demo “Bloody Ritual”, la cual sale a la luz a primeros del ’92 y a finales de éste participaron en un festival en Nájera, día 21 de noviembre, junto a Unbounded Terror, Beer Mosh y Doomsday. Seguidamente se hizo un cambio de componente en la banda sustituyendo a León (guitarra) por José “Pispas”. Seguidamente realizaron varios conciertos entre ellos uno junto a los thrashers Estigia.

Esta formación grabó la demo “Eternal Agony” editada en el ‘93 y en este año la banda cambia de nuevo, siendo la formación, Mamen (ex-Vulpes) al bajo, Tenor a la voz, Colowati a la batería y Charly junto a Manolo a las guitarras. Con ello realizan varios festivales destacando en Zaragoza uno de ellos, junto a Death, Anacrusis y Beer Mosh a finales del ‘93.

Después de varios conciertos y mini giras por el estado, participan en otro festival en diciembre del ‘94 (Demolition Festival) junto a 5 bandas nacionales de primera como Unnatural, Levial, Hellbound, Desecrate y Hemorragia, así como bandas internacionales como de Cannibal Corpse, Desultory y Samael.

En el ‘94 se graba el mini CD “Welcome to Dakness” que saldría a la luz por el año ‘95. Después de varios conciertos y cambios de formación, la banda se disuelve ese mismo año.

Aposento regresa en el 2012 en la que cuenta con antiguos componentes y dos nuevos, quedando actualmente de la siguiente manera: Manolo (guitarra), Pispas (guitarra), Manu (bajo), Diego (batería) y Nacho (voz). Ese mismo año, graban y editan su mini CD “Retorno a la Muerte” con Spain Death Metal Records y comentaron a tocar por todo el país al mismo tiempo que componían nuevos temas para un futuro álbum completo.

A finales del 2013 vuelven a entrar en estudio para grabar lo que va ser el primer álbum que llevará por título “Aposento”. En el 2014 fichan por Xtreem Music, quien edita dicho álbum en Mayo de 2014.

En el año 2017, y tambien bajo el sello Xtreem Music, Aposento editan su segunda álbum, "Bleed to Death".


 La Mano de la Muerte
Portrait of a Killer
Aliens, Seres del Más Allá
Alma Condenada
Bloody Ritual
Serv From Hell
Partially Deceased Syndrome
Doomsday - The Metanoia of Redemption Process






Morte Incandescente are comprised of Portugal's oldest and most prolific scene veterans, both of whom concurrently maintain their own long-running and highly regarded central creative vehicles: Vulturius with Irae and Nocturnus Horrendus with Corpus Christii. And while the raw black metal underground that they helped foment at the dawn of the new millennium has multiplied and malformed all around them, since their formation in 2001, Morte Incandescente have maintained their own unique headspace, always making the creation different yet the same - the vision overtaking all, no matter what form it takes. Rest assured, however, that Vulturius and Nocturnus Horrendus' vision is always one that's ancient-minded, uncompromising, and completely untrendy.


Instalação Humana
Cerra Os Dentes
Diz Não A Vida
Pela Noite Dentro
Black Skull Crushing Metal


Tankard was formed in 1982 by three classmates, bassist Andreas "Gerre" Geremia, guitarist Axel Katzmann and vocalist Frank Thorwarth. Thorwarth and Gerre soon switched roles; at the same time the trio added drummer Oliver Werner and second guitarist Bernhard Rapprich. They chose their name from a dictionary upon seeing its definition as "beer mug". Their earliest written song was called "Ray Death", a song about nuclear war and their first gig was played in a local classroom in 1983. As drinking alcohol in the school was banned, they smuggled their beer in with milk cartons. Soon after, Bernhard Rapprich left the band as his conservative father did not want him "hanging around with a bunch of drunks" and he was replaced by Andy Bulgaropoulos.

 With the lineup now stabilised, the band released their first demo, titled Heavy Metal Vanguard, in 1984. After this, the band toured with fellow German thrashers Sodom. SPV were interested in signing both bands, but allegedly SPV retracted a deal after seeing the band perform live. In 1985 they released a second demo, Alcoholic Metal, which cemented their thrash metal style and lyrical themes. Both of these demos were very popular in the underground, and on the strength of this demo they signed with Noise Records. The eight-track demo also features rough versions of four songs that would later appear on their debut album, Zombie Attack.


One Foot in the Grave
The Morning After
Rules for Fools
Chemical Invasion
Zombie Attack
A Girl Called Cerveza
(Empty) Tankard 




''Punk has gone soft and became just a musical style, rather than an outlet for protest.
Systemik Viølence aims to bring back threat to punk, using the aesthetics of seminal bands like GISM, the rawness of early Anti-Cimex and the darkened appeal purveyed by the likes of Darkthrone.''




Intellectual Prolapse
Vulture Culture
Uncivil Disobedience
You are Free to Be a Slave
Extinta Raiva
Moral Stabbing
You Hold the Knife
Punks is Posers
Dead Cop
Every Day is the Fucking Same
Self Reliance
Satanarkist Attack
Kill All Rapists Now!
F For Fake
Political Correctness
Reaper (Bathory Cover)
Scene Stomper