jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2022

SHINING -|- Cervecería Dublín, Carballo (Esp) -|- 22.5.2008



 The band's name does not refer to the 1977 Stephen King horror novel The Shining (nor the 1980 Stanley Kubrick movie based on it); rather, according to Niklas Kvarforth, it means "the path to enlightenment".

All Shining full-length albums have six songs, and usually have roman numbers preceding the titles in chronological order. Kvarforth chose to stop the enumeration in 2012, saying that "the use of numbers to describe our albums is no longer something that Shining is interested in doing", although he re-started to enumerate them with 2013's compilation 8 ½ - Feberdrömmar i vaket tillstånd.

Moreover, since the release of their third album, III - Angst - Självdestruktivitetens Emissarie, most Shining full-lengths feature an instrumental song, always the fifth one in the tracklist. This habit ended with their ninth release, IX - Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends, in which the instrumental track is the first one, but was eventually taken over again on X - Varg utan flock 3 years later.


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