viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

Necrosemen - And All Shall Be Smitten By Fyre [ep] (2014)


Necrosemen named after the Teitanblood song. 

 Necrosemen was born in August of 2012, the nefarious entity of Necrosemen hails from Switzerland and originally began as a one-man band. In March 2013, the first Necrosemen opus, And All Shall Be Smitten By Fyre, was released by Blood Harvest on 12" vinyl. Since the end of 2013, Necrosemen evolved into a five-actor entity vomiting sonic waves of Death. This coven performed ceremonies alongside other great congregations like Mystifier, Dead Congregation, ZOM, Deathcult, Acherontas, Lvcifyre, Negative Plane, Malthusian, and Antiversum.

Split up in 2015.



- And All Shall Be Smitten by Fyre [EP] (2013)
- Vglns [EP] (2015)



 1. Heaven Crumbling - Crimson Flame    04:43
2. And All Shall Be Smitten by Fyre     04:55
3. Black Desert of Fiery Ashes     04:56



-Line up:

Ishk : All instruments, Vocals.



Label: From the Dark Past.

Limited to 44 copies.

Engineered  at d / s / k / n / t by asknt & NCRSMN in september 2012.

Layout by Ishk.

Lyrics based  on ''Le Feu Du Ciel'' from Victor Hugo.



Asknt is the main actor behind Ab Occulto and was known as Sinnihr in the solo project Exordium with the unique release "Super Casu Heresis Quondam Combuste Fuerunt".

Asknt is the owner of the DSKNT Industry entity which is active by several ways including engineering, design stuff and musical involvement such recording and mixing and live member for Necrosemen.

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