domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

Deiquisitor + Bokluk + Hyperdontia + Narcömancer 2020.03.07 Porto Deathfest - Chapter I (Metalpoint)

Formed in 2013 by Henrik B.C. and Thomas F.J. They have both played in a lot of the Nonagram bands such as Blodfest, Wolfslair, Fallen Angel, etc. and have sought back to their roots in Death metal musically through the last few years. The music of Deiquisitor is fast-paced and aggressive Death metal, very influenced by the sound and style of the early 90’s bands. The lyrical themes are about topics such as occult science, ancient mysteries and apocalyptic theories. They started as a duo, but now an ally through many years, Daniel A., has joined in on bass. Their releases so far are a demo released in 2013 and an EP entitled “Hexagon vortex” in 2014. But they also have all material ready for a 12 track full-length release. The line-up is: Drums: Henrik B.C., guitar and vocals: Thomas F.J., bass and backing vocals: Daniel A.


01. Damnation
02. An Altar To An Alien God
03. Converging Into Singularities
04. Divine Molecular Transcendence
05. The Feathered Serpent
06. The Magnificence Of...
07. The Unearthly
08. Purgatory



- Tukas - Guitar
- Iago - Bass
- Corey - Drums/Vocals.

 Corey: Drums/Vocals.

Iago - Bass             Corey: Drums/Vocals               Tukas - Guitar

Dani (La Hija del Carroñero) on vocals.


01 Somatized-Eternal
02 Black Gush
03 Creed of Excruciation
04 Excrement
05 None Shall Dodge Sentinell
06 Mindfuck Self
07 You Look Like Shit
08 Apoplexy
09 Loathsome Evolution.


Hyperdontia is an international band based in Copenhagen, Denmark and Istanbul, Turkey. It was formed in 2015 by bassist (Malik Camilca) and guitarist (Mustafa Gurcalioglu). They recruited David Mikkelsen (who also named the band) for vocals and Tuna on Drums.

- Mustafa Gürcalioglu - Guitars
- Malik Camlica - Bass
- Tuna - Drums
- Mathias Friborg - Vocal & Guitars.


- Filipe - Vox
- Lee - Guitar
- Ruca - Guitar
- Xicote - Bass
- David - Drums


-Night Devoured
-Rabid Dogs
-Porto Árder
-Into the Crypts of Ray (Celtic Frost cover)


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