domingo, 23 de febrero de 2025

Xerión - Cantares das Loitas Esquecidas (2010)


 Xerión es un proyecto de Black Metal épico y con matices folk nacido en Ourense en 2001 de la mano de Nocturno, guitarrista, bajista y vocalista y en definitiva, el cerebro indiscutible de la banda. El universo musical y letrístico de Xerión gira entorno a la mitología gallega y particularmente a los ciclos celtas, con un contenido a medio camino entre el patriotismo galaico y la misantropía. Definen su estilo como Metal Galaico Extremo.




 1.  Badaladas Funerais no Esmorecer da Lúa     01:31       instrumental
2.  O Espertar do Xerión     05:35
3.  A Alquímica Dexeneración da Ialma     05:25
4.  Onde a Victoria Agarda     05:41
5.  Nas Verdes Fragas de Amh-Ghad-Ari     05:05
6.  Cantares das Loitas Esquecidas     06:25
7.  Morte na Lauga     06:05
8.  Loitas na Néboa (Taunusheim cover)     07:30      
9.  Pvtrefacta Anima Nostra     03:47



-Line up

Iron : Guitars
Daga : Keyboards
Nocturno : Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Programming, Lyrics
O Rei Celta No Exílio : Uilleann pipes, Whistle.



 Label: Schwarzdorn Production. SD37CD

 Recorded, mixed & mastered: Óscar "Chichi".

 Cover: Igor "Artaburu" Mugerza.

 Artwork & design: HevemSkulle.

  Also included is a video for the song "Morte na lauga".

Translations from Galician:

Songs of Forgotten Battles

1. Funeral Chimes At the Faint of the Moon
2. The Awakening of Xerión
3. The Alchemical Degeneration of the Soul
4. Where Victory Awaits
5. In the Green Woods of Amh-Ghad-Ari
6. Songs of Forgotten Battles
7. Death in the Water
8. Fights in the Mist (Taunusheim cover - "Nebelkämpfe")
9. Putrid Soul of Ours.



miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2025

Destruction - Live Without Sense (1989)


 Live Without Sense is the first live album by German thrash metal band Destruction. It was released on January 1, 1989. 


 Their original name was Knight of Demon, but that was changed after a few weeks. They went from an Iron Maiden-esque sound to one heavily influenced by Venom in a matter of weeks.

In the early '90s, Flemming Rönsdorf (Artillery) was asked to join Destruction as the new vocalist. He rehearsed with the band, but didn't join because, according to Ronsdorf himself, the label didn't want to send him money in advance before the upcoming tour.

The releases between 1994 and 1998 have been disowned by the band and are now classed as "Neo-Destruction" and not part of their official discography.

Mike Sifringer was unable to perform at Portugal’s Caos Emergente festival in September 2009 due to a broken finger. Ol Drake of Evile took his place onstage.

Oliver Kaiser works as an editor in Basle and gives for many years lessons in Musiclab. After leaving Destruction in 1999, he studied sociology, law & at the music academy.






Side A
1. Curse the Gods     05:46
2. Unconscious Ruins     04:40
3. Invincible Force     04:10
4. Dissatisfied Existence     04:43
5. Reject Emotions     06:29

Side B
6. Eternal Ban     05:47
7. Mad Butcher     04:25
8. Pink Panther (Henry Mancini cover)     00:37       instrumental
9. Life Without Sense / In the Mood (Joe Garland cover)     07:31
10. Release from Agony     04:52
11. Bestial Invasion     05:26



-Line up

 Schmier : Bass, vocals
Mike : Guitars
Harry : Guitars
Olly : Drums.




Label: Steamhammer. SPV 08-7578.

Recorded at several gigs throughout the Release From Agony Tour '87/'88.
Mixed at Powersound Factory, Vienna, Austria.
Mastered at SST Bruggemann GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany.
Co-produced by Destruction.

Cover illustration : Joachim Luetke.







viernes, 14 de febrero de 2025

Cannibal Corpse - Red Before Black (2017)


 The band started to write the album in 2016 after the last run of touring for their previous album, A Skeletal Domain. When interviewed in 2017 drummer Paul Mazurkiewicz stated that the band never go by any specific blueprints when they start writing for an album, pointing out that this was also the case with Red Before Black. However the idea of utilizing some slower doom elements was discussed beforehand. This manifested in a couple of songs, while they mostly remained true to their death metal sound and thrash metal roots.
Mazurkiewicz came up with the album title while sleeping in the middle of the night, making him wake up. Further down the road of creating the album he said about the title "... I really pushed for it because I felt it was very strong and something very different than our previous titles. It’s simple, but effective".

After hearing the song 'Only One Will Die', penned by bassist Alex Webster, all members of the band thought it should be the first track of the album. The first song they worked on was 'Red Before Black'. It started out as an unnamed piece written by guitarist Pat O'Brien with Mazurkiewicz contributing with a title and the lyrics later.

Choosing to work with Erik Rutan as a producer again after working with Mark Lewis on the previous album was partly because of convenience, enabling the band to stay focused during the recording process, although Rutan's previous work with the band was also a deciding factor.






 Side A
1.     Only One Will Die     03:24
2.     Red Before Black     03:12
3.     Code of the Slashers     04:45
4.     Shedding My Human Skin     03:28
5.     Remaimed     04:13
6.     Firestorm Vengeance     03:43

Side B
7.     Heads Shoveled Off     03:37
8.     Corpus Delicti     03:29
9.     Scavenger Consuming Death     04:33
10.     In the Midst of Ruin     03:25
11.     Destroyed Without a Trace     04:01
12.     Hideous Ichor     04:33



-Line up:

 Alex Webster : Bass, Songwriting (tracks 1, 6, 9, 12), Lyrics (tracks 1, 6, 9, 12)
George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher : Vocals
Paul Mazurkiewicz : Drums, Songwriting (track 11), Lyrics (tracks 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11)
Pat O'Brien : Guitars, Songwriting (tracks 2, 4, 5, 7)
Rob Barrett : Guitars, Songwriting (tracks 3, 8, 10, 11), Lyrics (tracks 3, 8).




 Label: Metal Blade Records – 3984-25040-1.

 Engineered and mixed at Mana Recording Studios.
Mastered at West West Side Music by Alan Douches.

Cover:Vince Locke  

 Layout: Brian Ames.

 Photography: Alex Morgan.

 Opaque red vinyl, limited to 700 copies. Includes printed insert.






jueves, 13 de febrero de 2025

King Diamond - ''Them'' (1988)


"Them" is the third studio album by Danish heavy metal band King Diamond, released on 18 July 1988 through Roadrunner Records in Europe, and 13 September 1988 through Roadracer Records in United States. It is the first album to feature guitarist Pete Blakk and bassist Hal Patino.

"Them" is the first of two fictional concept albums about King and his mentally ill grandmother, the second of these being Conspiracy. King falls into a harrowing descent into madness via his grandmother and the voices in the House of Amon, known to the listener only as "Them".


 The King Diamond band was formed in 1985 by Danish vocalist King Diamond following the break-up of his previous band, Mercyful Fate. The original line-up consisted of Diamond, his former Mercyful Fate bandmates Michael Denner (guitar) and Timi Hansen (bass), and Swedes Mikkey Dee (drums) and Andy LaRoque (guitar). This line-up lasted for two albums before Denner and Hansen departed, the first of many line-up changes for the band. To date, LaRoque is the only musician besides King Diamond to appear on every King Diamond band release.

With the King Diamond band, Diamond traded the occult-based and blasphemous lyrics of Mercyful Fate for a gothic horror approach. Almost all of the lyrics on King Diamond's albums revolve around a specific story. Only the band's debut, "Fatal Portrait," and 1995's "Spider's Lullaby" stray from this formula, although, even in those cases, several of the songs on the albums feature lyrics that are related to each other. In 2003, Hungarian vocalist Livia Zita was brought onboard to provide female vocals. It marked the first time that King Diamond worked with another vocalist on any of his projects (excluding any guest appearances he made on other artists' projects). King and Livia were later married.

The group saw their commercial success reach its peak in the mid and late 1980's, and their second album, "Abigail" is considered a heavy metal classic. The group was also a target for parents' and watchdog groups who objected to King Diamond's image and what they perceived to be questionable content (although the latter was mostly based on the King's work with Mercyful Fate and his personal connections to Anton LaVey's Church of Satan). The band has continued to work steadily, although they have been on hold in recent years because of King Diamond's health issues, which include back surgery in 2007, and a triple-bypass in 2010.






 Side A
1. Out from the Asylum     01:44
2. Welcome Home     04:35
3. The Invisible Guests     05:02
4. Tea     05:12
5. Mother's Getting Weaker     03:59

Side B
6. Bye, Bye Missy     05:06
7. A Broken Spell     04:06
8. The Accusation Chair     04:19
9. "Them"     01:54
10. Twilight Symphony     04:07
11. Coming Home     01:10



 Line up:

King Diamond : Vocals, Lyrics, Songwriting (tracks 1-4, 6, 8-11)
Andy la Rocque : Guitars (lead), Songwriting (tracks 5, 7, 9)
Pete Blakk : Guitars (lead)
Hal Patino : Bass
Mikkey Dee : Drums.




Label: Roadrunner Records. RR 9550 1 

 Recorded and mixed at M.M.C. Studio, Copenhagen, DK.

 Engineer, producer, mixed & effects: Roberto Falcao.

 Artwork cover: Studio Dzyan, Thomas Holm, Torbjorn Jorgensen.

 Special limited edition. Hype sticker on shrink. Contains a printed inner sleeve and a free 12 page full color collectors booklet "The story so far".







sábado, 8 de febrero de 2025

Wargoatcult & Xerión - Wargoatcult / Xerión [split] (2011)





 Side A
1. Wargoatcult - Intro / Christiadamus     01:01
2. Wargoatcult - Christcrushing Extermination     02:43
3. Wargoatcult - Driven to Heretic Release     05:32
4. Wargoatcult - Catastrophobia     04:13
5. Wargoatcult - Nostrachrist / Outro     00:40

Side B
6. Xerión - A Etérea Dor e a Labiritintica Existencia     05:04
7. Xerión - O Abafo Crepuscular da Soidade     05:31
8. Xerión - De Profundis     03:39



-Line up

Necrotomb : Vocals, all instruments.

Nocturno : Vocals, guitars, bass, programming
Daga : Keyboards.





 Label: Nigra Mors. NM27.

Limited edition to 100 copies.













sábado, 1 de febrero de 2025

Bolt Thrower - Warmaster (1991) [Reissue] (2017)


 War Master is the third album by British death metal band Bolt Thrower. It was recorded at Slaughterhouse studios in September 1990 and produced by Bolt Thrower and Colin Richardson. It was released on Earache Records: Mosh 29 in 1991.

Whereas Realm of Chaos was dominated by grindcore based blasts and riffs, this album abandons most of the grindcore influences for a sound that is more strictly death metal. Moreover, there is more melody in the music and the guitar solos, although some chaotic solos remain. This is also the final Bolt Thrower album to feature the blast beat style of drumming (which can be heard on four songs – "Unleashed (Upon Mankind)", "What Dwells Within", "War Master", and "Afterlife"), before it was abandoned and subsequently never used thereafter in the Bolt Thrower discography.

"Cenotaph" is a thematic continuation of the song "World Eater" from the previous record. The closing riff from "World Eater" is the same as the opening riff from "Cenotaph" and also used in "Embers" from The IVth Crusade, "Powder Burns" from Mercenary and "The Killchain" from Those Once Loyal.

The album was extensively sampled on Dutch breakcore producer Bong-Ra's album Full Metal Racket, with allusions also including song titles such as "Bloody Cenotaph" and "Jo Bench".





Side A
1. Intro... Unleashed (upon Mankind)     06:13
2. What Dwells Within     04:18
3. The Shreds of Sanity     03:27
4. Profane Creation     05:32

Side B
5. Final Revelation     03:56
6. Cenotaph     04:04
7. War Master     04:17
8. Rebirth of Humanity     04:01
9. Afterlife     06:01



-Line up:

 • Gavin Ward : Guitars
 • Jo Bench : Bass
 • Andrew Whale : Drums
 • Barry Thompson : Guitars
 • Karl Willetts : Vocals.




 Label: Earache Records. MOSH029FDRUS.

 Recorded at Slaughterhouse Studios, Great Driffield, East Yorkshire, England by Bolt Thrower, September 1990.
Produced by Bolt Thrower
& Colin Richardson.

All songs written by Bolt Thrower.

 Gatefold sleeve with cartboard innersleeve

Full Dynamic Range.