domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2024

Monastery + Intrepid + Hideous Divinity + Nile ┼ Hard Club Porto (Por) 21.09.2024






 El grupo Monastery de Zalaegerszeg, Hungría se fundó en 1989.

Al principio, el grupo funcionaba como un trío, junto al baterista Róbert "Billy" Kovács, Zoli Németh y Krisztián Kovács. Después de grabar 2 demos y algunos conciertos, en 1992 se completó el LP "Far from Christ", que fue lanzado por Trottel Records.

Este material se completó con la incorporación del guitarrista László Albrecht, quien fue miembro activo del grupo durante 2 años.

Este fue oficialmente el primer lanzamiento de Death-Thrash Metal en Hungría.. Después de una gira nacional y varios conciertos, Ferenc Tóth "Hufi" asumió el cargo de guitarrista en lugar de Laci.

En 1994, se completó el segundo álbum de Monastery titulado "Postmortem Aggressive End".

A esto le siguieron numerosos conciertos y actuaciones en festivales y, a finales de año, la banda realizó una gira como banda telonero de Moby Dick. Lamentablemente, después de eso, Zoli Németh se fue por motivos familiares, creando un vacío que parecía irremplazable en ese momento. Después de probar sin éxito a varios guitarristas y cantantes, el equipo abandonó la búsqueda. Monastery no se disolvió entonces, pero pasó a un segundo plano hasta 2002, cuando el vocalista Frytz llamó nuestra atención e inmediatamente lo ascendimos a miembro. Junto a él llegaron Simon Balázs como bajista y Ufo como guitarrista rítmico, y Krisztián siguió ejerciendo como percusionista. El material promocional "Way to life" se completó este año, cuyo objetivo era promover el regreso.

En 2003 se completó el material EP del grupo titulado "Fuck this world", y en 2004 le siguió el LP "Misanthrope".

Un poco más tarde, Hufi fue reemplazado por Krisztián Varga, con quien realizó varias giras nacionales, entre otras en compañía de Moby Dick, Cadaveres y Remorse.

En 2005, el vocalista Frytz fue reemplazado por Vince Andres, momento en el que la banda siguió las tendencias de la época y se dirigió hacia el metal extremo, a la sombra del cual se completaron los 3 materiales promocionales del grupo, que también fue el último material de Monastery antes de la ruptura.




 01. Intro
02. Faceless Nothing
03. Fall Apart
04. Pulled Into Stake
05. Dreadful Thing
06. Dire Warnings
07. Bleed
08. Divine Damnation





Death metal from Tallinn, Estonia since 2016.









 01. Hymns of Sanctity (Internecine song)
02. Blood Means Nothing
03. Mesmerism
04. Succubian Rites
05. I Am the Vile
06. Alpha Circini
07. Opiated Consumption
08. Overthrone
09. Naksitrallid (Sven Grünberg song) 





 Iniciada en 2006 por de Hour of Penance el cofundador , Enrico Schettino y Synder & Mauro, ambos miembros y ex miembros de Hour of Penance y Eyeconoclast.

 Las dos canciones con "Sinful Star Necrolatry" fueron escritas y arregladas por Enrico durante 2007 y finalmente grabadas por Enrico, Synder y Mauro en septiembre de 2007 en los 16th Cellar Studios por el ingeniero de sonido y viejo amigo Stefano "Saul". Morabito (quien también se encargó de la mezcla).

 Después de un largo período de silencio debido a la reubicación de Enrico en Italia a principios de 2009 (vivía en Noruega)  y su posterior reincorporación a Hour of Penance (de la cual se separará nuevamente en otoño de 2009), la banda finalmente está de regreso con una nueva formación que incluye al vocalista maestro. Enrico H., Flavio y Fabio respectivamente destrozan el bajo y la guitarra, mientras "Mad Horse" Mizio se encarga de mantener los ritmos del tornado.

 Hideous Divinity buscó una formación estable desde el principio. En 2010 estaban funcionando a plena capacidad y llegando al circuito de festivales. Firmaron con Unique Leader Records poco después y lanzaron su abrasador álbum debut, Obeisance Rising . Inspirándose en el clásico de culto de 1988 del director John Carpenter They Live, la banda presentó un asalto sonoro intransigente que evocaba nombres como Nile , Hate e Immolation.

Una nueva canción, "Cerebral Code Of Obeisance", sublima el estado de salud recuperado de Hideous Divinity que consigue un contrato multiálbum con Unique Leader y una participación en el Inferno Festival 2011 en Oslo, listos para lanzar el primer larga duración de su carrera. en la primavera de 2012.

Basada en Werner Herzog la valiente película de 1987 del mismo nombre de , Cobra Verde de 2014 aumentó la intensidad, al igual que el ambicioso LP conceptual Adveniens de 2017 . El grupo firmó un acuerdo con Century Media antes de la llegada de su cuarto trabajo de larga duración, el implacable Simulacrum de 2019 . Dos años más tarde regresaron con el EP LV-426 , que se inspiró en la franquicia Alien. En 2024, HD lanzó Unextinct . Su primer álbum no se basó en una película, sino que se inspiró en la Bram Stoker, novela de Drácula.




01. Dust Settles on Humanity
02. The Numinous One
03. Against the Sovereignty of Mankind
04. The Deaden Room
05. Quasi‐Sentient
06. Angel of Revolution
07. Mysterium Tremendum






A finales de la década de 1980, antes de formar Nile, Karl Sanders tocó con la banda de thrash Morriah y compartió escenario con Morbid Angel , entre otras destacadas bandas de metal. De hecho, el primer demo de Nile olía marcadamente a esa identidad thrash, que pesaba más que cualquiera de los elementos de death metal que más tarde definirían el sonido de la banda. 

Nile es una banda de death metal influyente e intransigente que ha grabado su nombre en los anales de la música extrema. Desde su formación en 1993, han dejado una marca indeleble en la escena del metal, obteniendo seguidores devotos con su combinación única de ferocidad y tecnicismo. Con un sonido tan implacable y brutal como el de los antiguos dioses egipcios en los que se inspiran, Nile transporta a los oyentes a un reino oscuro y místico. Su música es un asalto implacable de riffs de guitarra abrasadores, tambores atronadores y gruñidos guturales, acompañados de pasajes intrincados y atmosféricos que evocan la grandeza de las civilizaciones antiguas. Con su dominio del tecnicismo, agresión implacable, composiciones intrincadas y exploración lírica de la mitología egipcia antigua, Nile continúa cautivando al público con su asalto sonoro incomparable.

La banda categoriza su música como "Ithyphallic Metal", en referencia a sus temas épicos egipcios.




domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2024

Maniac Butcher - Il Sangue Nero (2006)


The intents to start a Metal horde rose up in heads of
Barbarud and Blasphemer, two devoted worshippers of Metal.
Before long the name Maniac Butcher appeared in their plans.

Summer - The real horde was formed and the first chants were written.
December 23rd - The first show of Maniac Butcher.

June - The first demo Immortal Death was released on Pussy God Records.
Winter - Maniac Butcher was the first Czech horde to use war-paint for live shows !!

August - The second demo The Incapable Carrion was released on Pussy God Records.

September - Split EP with Dark Storm Black Horns Of Saaz was released on View Beyond Records.
November - CD and MC of the first album Barbarians were released on Pussy God Records.

September - CD and MC of the second album Lucan - antikrist were released on Pussy God Records.

March - MC Live In Annaberg was released on Sombre Records (Germany).
September - CD and MC of the third album Krvestreb were released on Pussy God Records.

Summer - CD of the fourth album Cerna Krev was released on Pussy God Records,
MC on Alkana Zeme Productions (Lithuania).

July - 3 way split CD Proti vsem with Inferno and Sezarbil was released on Pussy God Records.
October - CD of the fifth album Invaze was released on Pussy God Records,
MC on Alkana Zeme Productions (Lithuania).
November - MC Live In Open Hell was released on Pussy God Records.

March - CD re-release of Cerna Krev under the name of Sangue Negro
with special booklet in Portuguese on Mega Therion Records (Brazil).
Summer - MC re-release of Invaze on Sacred Production (Malaysia).
December - CD, LP and MC of the sixth album Epitaph - The Final Onslaught Of Maniac Butcher
were released on Death To Mankind Records (Spain) and Pussy God Records.
With the release of Epitaph, the horde ceased all musical activities.
No more songs or albums would be recorded. No more gigs would ever be played.
You can read the statement here taken from booklet of Epitaph which explains
the reason for ceasing all acitivites with Maniac Butcher.

LP re-releases of Invaze, Cerna Krev, Krvestreb, Lucan - antikrist, and Barbarians
were released on Sombre Records (Germany).
Finally all Maniac Butcher albums were available on black vinyl !!
December - CD re-release of Live In Open Hell on Elegy Records (USA).

March - LP re-release of The Incapable Carrion on Terror From Hell Records (Italy).
July - CD re-release of Invaze on Unisound Records (Greece).
October - LP re-release of Proti vsem split with Inferno on Sombre Records (Germany).
November - picture-EP re-release of Black Horns Of Saaz split EP
with Dark Storm on View Beyond Records (Czech).

January - CD Immortal Death / The Incapable Carrion, LP and picture-LP re-releases
of Barbarians were released on Mutilation Records (Brazil).
February - CD re-release of Barbarians on Sinistrum Records (Canada).
March - CD and LP Live In Germany were released on From Beyond Records (Netherlands).
December - CD re-release of Cerna Krev on Desire Of Goat Productions (Thailand).

March - CD re-releases of Barbarians and Krvestreb on Warkult Records (Peru).
April - CD re-release of Krvestreb on Mutilation Records (Brazil).
May - 2-CD The Best of / A Tribute to Maniac Butcher was released on Elegy Records (USA).

January - Live DVD Dead But Live including videos from 1992-2001
was released on Pussy God Records.
LP re-release of Live In Open Hell on From Beyond Records (Netherlands).
April - LP and picture-LP re-releases of Krvestreb on Mutilation Records (Brazil),
3-LP The Best of / A Tribute to Maniac Butcher was released on Undercover Records (Germany).

December - LP re-release of Cerna Krev under the name of
Sangue Nero on Slava Satan Records (Italy).

April - EP and picture-EP The Beast / Dva tisice let were released on Diabolist Services (USA).
August - DVD re-release of Dead But Live on Negative Existence Records (USA).

March - CD re-releases of Cerna Krev and Barbarians on Negative Existence Records (USA).
April - 2-MC The Best of / A Tribute to Maniac Butcher (packed in a special box)
was released on Rawblackult Productions (Bolivia).

February - CD re-release of Invaze on Azermedoth Records (Mexico).
June 23rd - Maniac Butcher returned live on stage after 8 long years !!
This unique gig took place in Zatec, the birthplace of Maniac Butcher.

March - CD re-release of Lucan-antikrist on Warkult Records (Peru).
July - after 10 long years Maniac Butcher was back with a brand new album called Masakr !!
CD and gatefold-LP were released on Negative Existence Records (USA).

March - MC re-release of Masakr (packed in a special box) on Rawblackult Productions (Bolivia).
October - CD re-release of Lucan-antikrist on Azermedoth Records (Mexico).

January - MC re-release of Metal From Hell on Orgasmatron Records (Izrael).
June - CD re-release of Immortal Death / The Incapable Carrion on Inti Raymi Productions (Bolivia).
November - MC re-releases of Krvestreb, Lucan - antikrist, and Barbarians
on Hammer Of Damnation (Brazil).

May - MC re-release of Metal From Hell (packed in a special box) on Rawblackult Productions (Bolivia).

December 7th - Maniac Butcher played their last show ever in Wien (Austria).

August 4th - Vlad Blasphemer entered the halls of Nhaavah. He passed away at age 41.
His obituary written by Barbarud.

December - CD re-releases of Lucan - antikrist and Barbarians
(special inverted cross digipacks) on Tribulacion (Colombia).

March - LP re-release of Immortal Death on Arges Records (Czech).
June - LP re-release of Lucan - antikrist on Arges Records (Czech).
December - LP re-release of Krvestreb on Arges Records (Czech).

February - MC re-release of Metal From Hell on Arges Records (Czech).
August - LP re-release of Barbarians on Arges Records (Czech).
September - CD re-releases of Invaze and Krvestreb on Brazilian Ritual Records (Brazil).
December - CD re-release of Cerna Krev on Hammer Of Damnation Records (Brazil).

December - LP re-release of Cerna Krev on Arges Records (Czech).

May - CD re-releases of The Incapable Carrion, Immortal Death
and Metal From Hell on Brazilian Ritual Records (Brazil).
June - CD re-releases of Barbarians and The Beast / Dva tisice let on Black Order Productions (Finland).

February - LP re-release of Invaze on Arges Records (Czech).
July - CD re-releases of Masakr, Epitaph, Lucan - antikrist
and Barbarians on Brazilian Ritual Records (Brazil).
October - CD re-release of Live In Annaberg on View Beyond Records Reloaded (Czech).

March - LP re-release of The Incapable Carrion on Arges Records (Czech).
May - CD re-release of Immortal Death and MC re-releases of The Beast / Dva tisice let
on View Beyond Records Reloaded (Czech).
September - CD re-release of The Incapable Carrion on View Beyond Records Reloaded (Czech).

February - CD re-release of Krvestreb on View Beyond Records Reloaded (Czech).
May - LP re-release of Epitaph on Arges Records (Czech).
August - CD re-release of Cerna Krev on View Beyond Records Reloaded (Czech).



A1. Lůza Okolní, Chátra Všeobecná, Jakož I Veškerá Chamraď Nepotřebná
A2. Rada Užitečná, Kterak Stáří Dožíti, A Taktéž Doporučení Vhodné Pro Život A Přežití
A3. Sílený Řezník, Rovnìž Znám Jako Maniac Butcher V Jazyce Englickém
A4. Intermezzo
A5. Zíznění Po Krvi, Však Všeobecně Známému Vampyrismu Ne Zcela Podobné
B1. Přání Nezvyklé Až Prapodivné, Jehož Naplněním Následkůch Neobvyklých Lze Docíliti
B2. Věčnost I Nesmrtelnost, Způsobeny Prolitím I Následným Požitím Značného Množství Lidské Krve
B3. Rada Užitečná... (Live Zater, 17-04-99)
B4. Půlnočni Řiše (Live Open Hell Fest, 17-07-99)
B5. Sílený Řezník... (Live Open Hell Fest, 17-07-99)

-Line up:

 Barbarud Hrom : Vocals, Lyrics
Vlad Blasphemer (R.I.P. 2015) : All instruments, Songwriting.

Label: Slava Satan Records – Slava002

Limited to 500 on black vinyl with insert.

Vlad Blasphemer

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2024

Darkthrone - Live from Denmark 1990 [Unofficial Release]


 On June 8, 1990, Norwegian Darkthrone played at Tobakken in Esbjerg, Denmark – their first show outside Norway and one of the very few concerts of their career, and the warm-up consisted of the debuting Danish death metal band Maceration with members from i.a. Invocator.

Both concerts were recorded and released, and the story of that evening is at the same time a small story about the contemporary Danish metal scene and the international underground environment with demo tapes, tape-trading and DIY spirit.






A1 Cromlech   4:31
A2 Sunrise Over Locus Mortis
A3 Soulside Journey
A4 Accumulation Of Generalization
B1 Sempiternal Past / Presence View Sepulchrality
B2 Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia
B3 Neptune Towers


Line up

Hank Amarillo : Drums
Ted Skjellum : Vocals (lead), Guitars
• Ivar Enger : Guitars
Dag Nilsen : Bass.

Label: Not On Label – 555

Limited edition collectors bootleg. 

 Released on black vinyl with green labels, no additional information.









domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2024

Darkthrone - Goatlord (1996) [Reissue] (2010)


 Darkthrone started as a death metal group, but having released ‘Soulside Journey’ they decided to abandon the technical death metal style and transformed into a black metal band. The band’s sound has diversified over their career to include elements of traditional heavy metal, thrash, doom, death and speed metal, as well as crust punk. They mainly stopped playing live since 1991 and their last show was in 1996 featuring Satyr as their (one-off) live bassist. Since 1993 Darkthrone has been a duo consisting of Fenriz (Gylve Nagell) and Nocturno Culto (Ted Skjellum).

Goatlord is a rehearsal tape recorded between Soulside Journey and A Blaze In The Northern Sky, containing songs which were scrapped after the band changed direction from being Death Metal to Black Metal. The vocals were added in 1994.

 Most of the lyrics for Goatlord were written in the autumn of 1990, with some additions in 1994 for the last two songs.

 Satyr from the band Satyricon was in charge of the screams for the songs "Rex" and "Sadomasochistic Rites".

 According to Fenriz, he was the one who performed the "female" vocals.



Side A
1.     Rex     03:48
2.     Pure Demoniac Blessing     02:35
3.     (The) Grimness of Which Shepherds Mourn     04:23
4.     Sadomasochistic Rites     04:04
5.     As Desertshadows     04:42

Side B
6.     In His Lovely Kingdom     03:24
7.     Black Daimon     03:50
8.     Toward(s) the Thornfields     03:37
9.     (Birth of Evil) Virgin Sin     03:25
10.     Green Cave Float     04:02



Line up:

Fenriz : Drums, Vocals
Zephyrous : Guitars (rhythm)
Dag Nilsen : Bass
Nocturno Culto : Guitars (lead)



Label: Back on Black. BOBV191LP

Originally recorded as rehearsal tape in 1990-1991.
Vocals added in 1994

 Fenriz claims the album was released in 1997 (in the liner-notes on the LP version released in 2002), it was actually most likely released late in 1996.